In the wake of the election, some professors took time away from their regular class lessons to discuss the results of Tuesday night’s election.
James Mitchell, professor of political science, spoke to his business and government students about the election and expressed his own thoughts about the results.
“He stated that people have the opinion of choosing between two greater evils,” said political science major Celeste Lozano. “Also how people thought [Hillary Clinton] lost because she’s a woman and because of the stuff people thought she did.”
Lozano also said she saw many people on social media discuss the notion that if Bernie Sanders was running against Trump, he would have won.
Another political science professor, Tyler Hughes, said he teaches two political science classes and he plans to discuss the election in both, but not for the entire class period.
“I imagine my students would be surprised because we have mostly a liberal campus, but of course we have students who were in favor of Trump,” Hughes said.
Hughes also said he was surprised by the results because most of the data predicted a Clinton victory.
Lindsay Hansen, who teaches university 100, said she plans to speak briefly about the election at the beginning of class, but there are also other things to be done.
Sandra Perez, who is undecided for her major, said there is a possiblitly her university 100 professor will speak about it during class.
“My Asian American studies class also got cancelled yesterday because of the election,” Perez said.
Sandra Quintana, a psychology major, said her sociology professor was sad about the results because he is an immigrant.
“He was sad because he said he feels he doesn’t have homeland,” Quintana said. “He talked about how he is Asian and British and now he doesn’t feel like he has a home here.”
Joanna Bautista also contributed to this article.