A New York Times article “Nudging Recycling From Less Waste to None” caught my attention recently. The article is about a new anti-garbage movement know as Zero Waste.
The article cites statistics by the Environmental Protection Agency stating Americans dump 4.6 pounds of garbage per person per day and food waste accounts for about 13 percent of total trash nationally.
All this trash eventually ends up in landfills. So to avoid making so much trash people are recycling and composting everything possible.
So it got me thinking of how CSUN deals with its waste. Thanks to the Associated Students Recycling Center we have recycling bins around campus. But how about doing more?
How about starting to compost food waste around campus?
Early in the semester, someone from the Institute for Sustainability had mentioned their desire to start composting on this campus. With the farmers market plan being halted, hopefully the institute can take up the issue of reducing CSUN’s waste.
As the Times article indicates, the hardest part of composting is educating those who have no clue what it’s all about. The photo above, which was taken by frankfarm and obtained via Flickr, shows how UC San Francisco is taking up the issue of composting. Notice how they visually show students what goes where.