What is Poaching? Your Guide to Understanding the Illegal Trade 

Content provided by legal writers

We know that killing animals for sport is really, really bad, but there is a lot more to poaching than simply that. Learning more about poaching will help you realize why this is a significant cause that we all have to work towards stopping. Of course, understanding the illegal trade is quite upsetting, but it’s important to be knowledgeable on poaching so we can learn more about the steps we can take to get it to cease existing.  

Unfortunately, animals are poached for a variety of reasons. The reality is that this illegal trade has been occurring for centuries, and unless we take action to stop it, it will just continue to rage on. The effects that are associated with poaching are truly devastating, not only for the animals, but also for the local environment and also for human beings. It is for all of these reasons and then some that poaching stops to occur.  

Today, you are going to learn more about animal poaching. While this topic is upsetting, we hope that by learning more about poaching you will understand this illegal trade and where it started from. It’s important to have an understanding of the past to figure out how to conquer the future, so that is what you are going to learn by reading this article.  

This article will answer questions regarding what is poaching, and why is it so deviating? You will also learn more about the steps that all of us can collectively take to prevent poaching from occurring. Lastly, you will also learn more information regarding the history of poaching, and how this even came to be.  

By the time you are done reading this article, you will have a robust understanding of this illegal trade, where it originates from, what actually constitutes as poaching and what doesn’t, what the impact of it is on animals, people, and the environment. There is a ton of information to learn about poaching, so let’s get started.  

What Is Poaching? Here’s What You Need To Know About This Devastating Trade  

Poaching is illegal, and yes, it is actually punishable under local, state, and even federal laws. In addition to this, there are international laws that guard animals from being poached. Therefore, if someone engages in poaching, they are actually doing a criminal activity. This is just one reason why poaching is totally unacceptable.  The main reason, however, is because it can tremendously harm animals, biodiversity, the ecosystem, and even people (more on all of that later, though).  

You might be wondering: does all hunting count as poaching? Or, what is the difference between someone that is hunting and poaching? There are actually some major differences that you should keep in mind. No, hunting is not poaching, there are actually a few tremendous differences. Let’s discuss those now. 

First of all, poaching refers to when people make the decision to illegally steal wildlife. As mentioned earlier, this is in violation of laws, so poachers can be prosecuted for their decision to poach. There are several activities that are considered to be forms of poaching. If you kill an animal while out of season, while using a prohibited weapon, in a prohibited manner, or without having a license, then you are poaching.  

However, there are other ways that people poach, too. For instance, if they slaughter an animal that is a member of a protected species, or if they trespass and then kill an animal, or if they’re exceeding the bag limit, then that is poaching, too.  

There are a few reasons why people decide to poach, and every single one of these reasons is an unacceptable reason to cut an animal’s life short by killing them. Some people poach for trophies, valuable materials such as ivory or fur, medicines, bones, or leather. Unfortunately, animals die for all of these selfish people to get the items that they want from them and discard them.  

Unfortunately, poaching is not new—it has actually been around for the middle ages. It has also been frowned upon for a lengthy amount of time, but it is still occurring. This is why it is necessary for us as a society to make a commitment to stopping poaching from happening.  

Why Is Poaching So Devastating?  

Poaching is extremely devastating, and not just for the animals themselves. Did you know that the main reason why animal species end up going extinct is simply because they were poached into extinction? It’s true—and it is devastating. Poaching is also devastating because it impacts the biodiversity in a specific area. When you poach an animal and the species ends up dying off, the result is an extremely unbalanced ecosystem. This could ultimately have a detrimental effect on the other species of animals that call the area home. Without natural predators, things could rapidly get out of control.  The result could be total mayhem for the animals and for the ecosystem itself.  

In addition to this, it’s true that poaching has some really negative side effects for humans as well. Because animals are able to carry disease, it is possible that poached animals actually can carry diseases that originated in one part of the world to another. This is yet another reason why poaching is not just sad, it’s also tremendously unsafe, and poses a public health risk that should not be taken lightly. 

Poaching is extremely devastating between its environmental, animal, and human side effects. If you know that someone in your area is poaching, you should take steps to alert the authorities that they are doing so that they can take next steps to stop this from continuing to occur. Another option? You can consider making a donation to an organization that makes it their mission to stop poaching. Simply educating your friends and family members about the perils of poaching is also extremely important and helpful.  

This content is provided by an independent source for informational purposes only and does not contain legal advice. Consult an attorney or financial advisor when making decisions. This information is provided by legal writers and does not reflect the views or opinions of The Daily Sundial editorial staff.