The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

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CSUN Poetry: The imposter is not you

Illustration by Maliahguiya Sourgose.

You belong here, you know? Your dreams are valid, and you don’t need to have it all figured out. It’s scary to dream so big, right? Your parents didn’t even have the space to dream at this level, or maybe even at all, so you feel alone. I understand where your fear comes from. No one speaks about what keeps them up at night, and everyone seems so put together. It’s not just you. There’s numbers in this crisis… the one that speaks ugly to your mind and tries to tear apart all your hard work. The one that takes jabs at your heart and hurts your feelings when all you are trying to do is not fall apart in the middle of the day, because you have so much to do, and the time moves faster than you are accustomed to.

What if I told you that love is the way?

That all you need to do is love yourself.

Love what you do even when it’s not perfect.

Love yourself unapologetically when you need to fall apart because sometimes you find the answers as you piece yourself back together.

Love those who challenged you because they are trying to teach you something that will go a long way.

Love your parents even when they cannot understand your pain because they adjusted their dreams to create space for yours, and no matter how hard it is, love them anyway. They were scared at some point too.

Lastly, love the moments where it feels too good to be true because that’s part of the journey, don’t miss it! Live in it… you belong.

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