My name is Dan Monteleone, Director of Elections of the CSUN Associate Students, Inc. Packets are available at the A.S. Office (USU-100) and are due March 3rd, 2010 at 4:30 PM. But to be honest, who cares?
Who cares if your tuition is being raised semester after semester? Who cares if your classes are being cut? Who cares if your graduation date has been delayed because you couldn’t get into that one class you needed? Who cares if you’re paying more and more and getting less?
Getting warm?
To be honest, do you even need a job? The Professional Sandcastle Building Association is always looking for new members. Counting the dots on ceiling tiles will also help the days go by. Besides, building a moat around that castle is WAY easier than writing a twenty-page thesis paper on the Post-Turkmenbasy democratization process in Central Asia.
Annoyed yet?
You don’t have to participate in the Days of Action this March to help lower student fees and increase class offerings. You don’t have to help the homeless, starving, and destitute through Hands for Haiti. Who cares about Lupe Fiasco entertaining five thousand students or Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Community Service Day?
Mad yet?
Well, sit back down. Probably not in that class you couldn’t get into. We do have big grassy fields that you can sit on. The one west of the Oviatt is especially nice this time of year.
That’s Option A. Option B of course, is to join the Associated Students, Inc. Then you can actually voice your concerns and make changes. If you want a rental program for textbooks? Done. If you want the CSU Chancellor to support the Dream Act? Done. If you want to ensure student fees are spent wisely? Well, that’s a never-ending process. Only you can make sure that the fees that YOU PAY are SPENT WISELY.
We have Senator positions available for all 8 colleges, Upper-Division, Lower-Division, At-Large seats, and even the President and Vice President of the Student Body.
But only if you give a %^&* about your future. My name is Dan Monteleone, and I support this message. So should you.