Get to know… Ron Dierkes
Date of birth: August 7, 1981
Place of birth: Warminster, PA
Height: 6’0
Stats last season: 768 saves and a 18-5 record.
Position: Goalie
Major: Accounting
Food: Steak
Music: Rock ‘n Roll
Movie: “Shawshank Redemption”
Song: “Defense” by Bad Religion
Athlete: Former Philadelphia Flyers Ron Hextall
Greatest Difficulty: Procrastination
Greatest goal accomplished: Being accepted in the Accounting program at CSUN
Most Embarrassing Moment: Fell through a glass table while lifting weights on it
Hobbies: Any kind of brain games.
Best part of my game: Glove hand
Part of my game that needs improvement: Puck handling and stopping Anthony Kendryna in practice
Best player I’ve played against so far: Andy Jackiel from College of the Canyons
Player I pattern my game after: Patrick Roy
Pre-game rituals: Five hour energy drink before game and puts aside a Gatorade before third period
Superstitions: Always puts left skate on first
Team: To finish top five in country
Individual: To have at least one shutout this season
Other sports I played while growing up: Soccer and football
When I started playing hockey: Street hockey at age 7 and ice hockey at age 18
What I do to stay in shape during the offseason: Goes to gym, runs and plays in a summer hockey league
Person I would like to meet: Greg Graffin (lead singer of Bad Religion)