Full name: Adams Joseph Bernhardt
Date of birth: Jan. 10, 1990
Place of birth: Pasadena, CA
Height: 5’10
Stats last season: Goals 14 and Assists 30
Position: Defenseman
Major: Urban Planning
Food: Mom’s cooking
Music: Country
TV show: Family Guy
Song: “What I Be” by Michael Franti
Athlete: Drew Doughty
Book: “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee
Greatest Difficulty: Waking up early
Greatest Goal Accomplishment: “Was saving up money to go to Costa Rica because I always wanted to travel somewhere.”
Most Embarrassing Moment: None
Hobbies: Snowboarding
Best part of my game: “My offense”
Part of my game that needs improvement: “My defense”
Best player I’ve played against so far: Chris Gale
Player I pattern my game after: Los Angeles Kings, Drew Doughty
Pre-game rituals: “ I drink hot tea and coffee on my way to the games.”
Superstitions: none
Team: “To beat our rivals College of the Canyons.”
Individual: “To have fun this season”
My first sports: Hockey
Other sports I played while growing up: Baseball and soccer
When I started playing hockey: 5 years old
What I do to stay in shape during the offseason: Surfing
Person I would like to meet: Barack Obama