The documentary will teach viewers about the relations between Israel and Egypt, what was the government’s role in channeling peace and the actions it took to receive a peaceful agreement in 1979 between both countries. Still photographs, video clippings and interviews are incorporated into the film to give viewers a better sense of what is going on in situations today.
The 95-minute film will be followed by a question-and-answer session with CSUN faculty members Jody Myers of the Jewish studies program and Kassem Nabulsi from the political science department.
Nabulsi hopes the film will act as a framework for discussions or analysis of Israel policy and conflicts then and now.
“I believe that there is a diverse point of view between the Jewish and Israeli community in Los Angeles. Some have a right-wing analysis on the issue in the Middle East, and others are more moderate in their approach. My contribution is to provide a responsible, healthy and fundamental guide to creating a parallel discussion in this experience,” Nabulsi said.
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