“It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” cast and crew are filming an episode titled “Mac Day” in the Nordhoff Hall Theatre and planetarium at CSUN.
In the episode “Mac Day,” Mac wanted to see bodybuilders so he and the crew went to a bodybuilding event. Actor Sean Williams Scott is the guest star for this episode.
Charlie Day (Charlie), Glenn Howerton (Dennis) and Rob Mcelhenney (Mac) are not only cast members for the show, but they are also executive producers and head writers.
The crew has been on campus since 10 a.m and will be filming until 10 p.m.
John Brown, locations manager for the show, said CSUN’s planetarium was one aspect that made the school attractive for the episode because there is a projector that rises out of the ground.
Producer Patrick Burns said the show is not about jokes, but more about funny behavior and they would love to come back and shoot on campus again.
There is not a set date for the airing of the episode because the network makes the decision when it will air.
The episode will be on FX.