CSUN held a free screening of Sundance documentary, “Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare.” The screening took place on September 19 and students filled the USU Theater.
Although most students attended for extra credit for a class, I imagine almost all of them took something away from this documentary.
The documentary was focused on America’s unstable healthcare system, patient’s real stories and tales from frustrated doctors. The film was intent on informing the audience about the importance of leading healthy lifestyles in hopes to avoid any tragic health issues in the future.
The U.S spent $2.7 trillion on healthcare in 2011. This fact alone startled most audience members. 75% of healthcare currently goes toward preventable diseases. The documentary interviewed doctors who openly talked about how their jobs work. They are forced to visit with as many patients as they can in a day instead of actually spending quality time with their patients and getting to the root of their problems.
Dr. Pamela Ross vented about healthcare trends that make her uncomfortable. For example, Ross was not happy with the amount of patients who immediately use narcotics. Ross desperately wants health issues to be prevented with excellent primary care. The most eye opening aspect of the documentary was the exposure of servicemen who become addicted to painkillers, including morphine. One soldier became so addicted after an injury that he was unable to walk or get out of bed without help. At the height of his addiction, he was taking 10 morphine pills a day.
The documentary was educational, compelling and well equipped with shocking statistics and real life experiences of those who feel they have been taken advantage of through America’s healthcare system. Although the film is only screening at college campuses, it will be released in theaters on October 5, 2012. I would recommend this film to anyone who wants more accurate information about our country’s healthcare system and what can be done to ensure your own good health. I would give the documentary 5 out of 5 stars.