In the midst of the chaos that is the university campus, students still manage to find that special someone who can make life more tolerable. Whether these relationships were good or bad, they taught people valuable lessons about not only the relationships but themselves as well.
Hereare some words of wisdom from CSUN students who have learned a thing or two from their current and past relationships.
1. “Trust each other. If you don’t trust your boyfriend or girlfriend, it’ll all be complicated. And fighting is okay because there are always going to be fights in a relationship.”
– Katheryn Alarcon, 19, marketing major, single.
2. “Stop looking for a relationship because it will just be harder.”
– Raissa Zylberglejd, 21, industrial engineer major, in a relationship.
3. “Make sure the relationship keeps on moving even with small details, because it’s those small gestures that make a difference.”
– Jonathan Lopez, 22, business management major, in a relationship.
4. “The communication we have allows us to really know what the other person is thinking. Being honest with each other is also very important.”
– Stephanie Figueroa, 21, Chicano studies major, in a relationship.
5. “I’ve learned that understanding is one of the most important keys in a relationship. Like when arguing, you need to have empathy and try to understand the other person’s perspective because you might be in the wrong.”
– Brian Fuentes, 20, Africana studies major, single
6. “Respect each other, be honest and trust each other. If there is no trust, the relationship won’t last. It’s okay to be jealous, but there’s a limit.”
– Carmen Carrillo, 21, psychology major, in a relationship.
7. “Just have fun. A relationship shouldn’t be stressful. You should always go
with the flow and be sure you’re treating each other with respect.”
– Lynzee Medina, 20, child development major, in a relationship.
8. Get a tattoo of their face. But for real, be yourself and have fun.”
– Chris Almendarez, 21, creative writing major, in a relationship.
9. “Communication. As long as you have it, everything will be calm.”
– Nicole Moucka, 25, linguistics major, in a relationship.
10. “Just go for it.”
– Chloe Livendale, 22, liberal studies major, in a relationship.
11. “Never date someone all about work and money.”
– Reyna Albores, 23, finance major, single.
12. “Make sure they put effort.”
– Yesenia Rivas, 22, psychology major, single.
13. “There are some good people out there, but you just always have to be aware of who they are.”
– Robert Moreno, 18, criminology major, single.
14. “There always has to be equality, but also think about yourself as well. Don’t lose yourself in your relationship. Be who you were before.”
– Diana Castillo, 20, criminology major, single.
15. “Always forgive and don’t stress about your relationship. Those are the steps toward moving forward.”
– Jennifer Sandoval, 19, undecided, single
16. “Listen and be honest.”
– Shirley LaBrie, 18, criminology major, in a relationship
17. “There must be communication so you both know what you want and if there’s a problem, you both can fix it.”
– Jose Zaragoza, 21, sociology major, in a relationship.
18. “Give your relationship some time and don’t rush.”
– Gisselle Rodriguez, 18, child development major, in a relationship.
19. “Make sure there’s a lot of humor.”
– Steven Fragoso, 18, criminology major, in a relationship.
20. “Get to know each other first because you might end up with someone you hate.”
– Anthony Santamaria, 19, computer engineer major, in a relationship.