The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

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Gender, sexuality discussed in lecture series “Sex in the Library”

Juan Garcia gives a speech in the Oviatt Library
Juan Garcia is introduced at the lecture before his speech in the Oviatt Library Photo credit: Peter Felsch

The lecture series “Sex in the Library: Policy, Power, and Privilege” discussing the issues surrounding gender identity and sexuality, was held in the Oviatt Library Tuesday afternoon in front of a group of CSUN students and faculty members.

The lecture featured a panel of seven students in the Queer Studies program and two advocates in the Political Science Student Research Symposium, who spoke to the audience giving different arguments they supported with thorough research.

The speakers added explicit visuals on the screen and diagrams to add a dramatic effect and provide lasting impact.

Nicole Londonio, queer studies student, spoke about the deconstructing power structures through pornography and used a map to show how lesbian porn has taken a majority of the U.S. over any other genre.

Eric Zuniga, also in the Queer Studies program talked about how gender identities are disrupted.

“The question is: “Is the idea of femininity innate to the female body or is it imposed and learned?” asked Zuniga.

Through the diverse group of presenters and all of their supporting arguments, they attempted to inform the community of topics that aren’t talked about often.

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