Tuesday, December 26
CSUN PD officers arrested the suspect at UPA 6 for criminal threats. The suspect was then transported to Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Lost Hills jail for booking.
Wednesday, December 27
An unknown suspect broke the passenger side window of the victim’s car in the G9 parking structure some time between 12/27 -12/28 9:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
Wednesday, January 03
The inside of the elevator at UPA 14 was vandalized by unknown suspects as they removed a piece of wood paneling and damaged the call button. The wooden panel was found on the third floor patio.
An unknown suspect vandalized the CSUN Reseda Annex by using a black marker to write graffiti on a glass window.
Friday, January 05
CSUN PD officers arrested a suspect for driving with a suspended license on Plummer and Yolanda Ave. just after midnight. She was given a notice to appear and released at the scene.
Monday, January 08
An unknown suspect stole an iPad from a cabinet drawer in the victim’s unsecured office inside the Residential Life Housing Office sometime between Dec. 21 and Jan. 08.
Tuesday, January 09
CSUN PD officers arrested suspect Tuesday morning for stealing a campus owned electric cart, breaking into another cart, possessing burglary tools and driving with a suspended license. The offenses occurred by the Sierra Tower. He was then booked at the LAPD Van Nuys jail.
Wednesday, January 10
An online crime report filed stating that an unknown suspect stole the victim’s bicycle from a bike rack near Cypress Hall the morning of Nov. 27 2017
Saturday, January 13
An unknown suspect pulled a fire alarm without the presence of a fire at UPA 3 just before 2:00 a.m..
Wednesday, January 17
CSUN PD officers arrested a suspect on Wilbur Ave. and Rayen St. late Wednesday night for driving without a license and a bench warrant for failure to appear. The suspect was transported to Los Angeles County Inmate Reception Center for booking.