The recession has affected many aspects of our lives, even the luxuries that we don’t give much significance to. Now more than ever we have to consider alternative options when it comes to everyday things like driving and paying for gas.
Right now many people don’t have any choice but to take the bus. This can pay off even for those of us still driving to CSUN.
It’s only a seven-minute bus ride to the Northridge Fashion Center, for instance. Sometimes it can take longer to get out of Parking Lot B3 depending on the time of day. So, take advantage of the city’s transportation system.
Make your way from CSUN to the Northridge mall without the hassle of your car and the fear that your parking spot will be gone when you return.
It’s a brisk eight-minute walk from Magnolia Hall, making your way down East University Drive. Pass the orange trees until you reach the bus stop on the corner of Nordhoff and Lindley Street.
All that’s needed is $2.50 to get to the mall and back. Compare that to the average cost of gas at $3.09 per gallon. Since you’re saving money, the extra cash in your pocket will make you feel accomplished and the idea of taking the bus isn’t so bad.
Many people dread the thought of taking the bus. The thought of walking to the bus stop and having to wait for it.
But be open to the benefits it brings and the new places you’ll get to see along the way. Not only are you saving money on gas and burning a few calories in the process, but also you didn’t have to move your car. Plus, by taking the bus you’ll become familiar with the neighborhood.
Once you reach the bus stop and are waiting, make sure you have the $1.25 ready in your hand. You don’t want to wait until you’re on the bus to start digging for change in your purse.
Catch the Metro Local line 166 bus going west on Nordhoff Street. Deposit the coins into the slots as soon as you enter the bus.
Take a seat and enjoy the ride. Bring an iPod and unwind with your favorite playlist. If you don’t want to listen to music, you can find entertainment on the bus. Flat screen TVs are in the front and back of the bus.
Everything from weather, traffic and a map that shows where you are going to trivia questions are shown. Play along with the, “Guess Who Said It” game, or strike up a conversation with the person sitting next to you.
If you’re not in the mood to talk to people, turn up the volume on your iPod. Find calmness in looking at the houses, the cars driving by and the people walking along. This is a great opportunity to relax, unwind and let your thoughts and worries about your looming exam fly out of your mind.
Pull the bell string when you reach Tampa Avenue. In total it can take you a little over 20 minutes to get there. But you won’t have had to move your car, so the anxiety of finding a spot when you come back is out the window.
You will also get some exercise from walking to the bus stop and you’ll enjoy the low fare.
Carmen Vasquez, 24, saw the benefits in taking the bus.
“I decided to take the bus to the mall because I didn’t want to waste my gas and also because I didn’t want to fight with traffic,” said Vasquez, a customer representative for Media City Community Credit Union. “So, I took the bus and just relaxed and I actually got there faster then I would have if I had driven there.”
Vasquez lives near the Northridge mall and takes it when she wants to go there.
You can fully enjoy what the mall has to offer: Forever 21, Foot Locker, Wet Seal, Hot Topic, McDonald’s and Panda Express. Have fun. And once you’re ready to leave, walk back in the same direction.
Cross the street on Tampa Avenue and Nordhoff Street and hop on the bus back to school. Give it a shot. Experience something different. Go outside your comfort zone and you might even like it.
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