Update 2:40 p.m.
“No more prisons, no more wars, schools is what we are fighting for,” said Rosa Furumoto a Chicano Studies professor during the rally.
Update 1:28 p.m.
Hundreds of protesters are now outside of Bayramian Hall chanting “furlough, hell no!”
Update 12:45 p.m.
Students are leaving Nordhoff Street and Reseda Boulevard but back on campus, screaming in buildings like Manzanita Hall banging on doors and calling for classes who are still in session to walk out.

Update: 12:05 p.m.
All four corners of Reseda Boulevard and Nordoff Boulevard are covered occupied by CSUN students and staff. Participants of this walkout are walking down all four lights with drivers honking horns in show of support. Total of participants ranges from 150-200. Students screaming, “they say furlough, we say hell no”.

Update 11:34 a.m.
“Many people think today is the end, but it’s only the beginning,” said Professor John Kephart from the Communications Department.

Update 11: 21 a.m.
“This is a national walkout but it is concentrated in California… It serves a purpose (and) brings hope to people, if they come together there can be change,” said Chair of Chicano Studies Department, Dr. David Rodriguez.
“Our purpose of this walkout is to make a statement, there needs to be priorities, our education is our priority. I would like to graduate on time and in order to do that we need to save CSUN,” Ernesto Cesillas, 22, junior communication studies major

Update 11:16 a.m.
At the back of Sierra Hall on the 4th floor the Black Student Union is yelling chants over a microphone. “Don’t be the man, beat the man” and “student power.” About 60 people gathered in that area.
Update 11:13 a.m.
Two professors walking out of classes. Christin Burke a teacher assistant for the Communication Studies Department, “We are marching forth for education. The more people we get the more attention we will receive, I believe we can make a difference.”
Clera Herrarte, 19, Sophomore, English major, “How can you bail (out) banks, but not schools?”

Update 11:10 a.m.
Students and professors will be running/walking down halls of Manzanita Hall yelling “walk out!”
Update 11:00 a.m.
Chicano Studies Department has confirmed that they will be protesting at 2: 00 p.m.
Update: 10:50 a.m.
Sierra Hall, a group of five students are banging pots and pans, trying to get people to get out of classroom and rally
C.O.S.T has started marching between Sierra Hall and Manzanita Hall. They are holding picket signs and bull horns. Picket signs say “Cal Sacramento this is unacceptable!”