In today’s economy, getting a job is like pulling teeth. It’s a sweat buster trying to get one. The first phase of the excruciating process is the interview. It is the most important part of landing a job. Doing great on an interview determines if we will continue to stay unemployed or if we will finally be a part of someone’s payroll.
Acing an interview doesn’t begin on the day of the interview. Besides making sure we have the right outfit picked out, we need to cover other beneficial tasks. Here are helpful tips to know before defeating an interview:
* Do your homework: Unfortunately we thought doing homework ended when school did but it doesn’t. Researching the company we are interviewing for is the crucial part of a successful interview. Impress the interviewer with knowing background and history information about the company. This tip will stand out among other interviewees.
* Don’t forget the important things: The night before the interview, make sure to have everything that is needed. Such as the directions to the place, names and phone numbers of your references, a couple of copies of your resume along with the application if one were provided. Also make sure the appropriate job interview clothes are laid out and ironed. First impression is a huge deal. Walking in with wrinkled clothing is an automatic disqualification.
* Do practice: Practice makes perfect. Treat the interview like a test. Practicing with a friend is only preparation that loosens us up. It will also help build confidence and courage to do well on the interview. Jot down some typical questions that are frequently asked during interviews, so when the time comes, the words will flow right out without busting a sweat.
* Don’t party the night before: Getting adequate sleep prepares the brain for a successful interview. The suicide move would be to going out and partying until 3 a.m. Showing up to an interview brain dead, is a well-deserved F. And drinking mounds of coffee will not help in this situation.
Now that we are well-prepared, the next step is what to do at the actually interview that will surely get one hired. Here are some tips on what to do at the interview:
* Do show up: Not showing up sends a bad message to the interviewer. This lack of etiquette demonstrates traits of being untrustworthy, unreliable and disrespectful. That’s not a good look. Giving an advance notice allows him or her to either call in another applicant or make other plans for the day.
* Don’t show up late: Now this is a no-no. If tardiness is seen from the get-go, then the employer/interviewer may believe this is a habit that they do not want in their company. Always arrive at least 15 minutes before the interview. Remember it’s always better to early than late.
* Do make eye contact: Making eye contact shows poise. I’m not saying have a stare contest with the interviewer. Never make them feel uncomfortable. When answering a question always look them in the eye. When asked a question, never fidget. Instead make great eye contact showing understanding of what they are asking.
* Don’t smoke before: If smoking is a habit, just quit for at least 6 or 7 hours before the actually interview. Cigarette smoke tends to linger in clothing and walking in smelling like an astray is something to avoid.
* Do ask questions: Silence in most situations is never good. Asking questions shows interest in the position. The interviewer wants to know that the person they are hiring can be assertive and enthusiastic about applying for the job.
There are more tips to a successful interview but here are just a few of the main ones that will surely make the employer think twice. Knowing what to do and how to act on a interview is common sense but sometimes we need to be reminded so that we can pass it with flying colors. Just relax and remember these words, “ I got this.”