Dear editor,
In these tumultuous times college students are pessimistic about the future and why shouldn’t they be? In the case of California the state is broke, cutting spending on education, and employment does not seem likely upon graduation. Our governor is laughing it up at the Grammy’s and wearing cowboy boots at the NBA All-Star game so who exactly are we supposed to look up to for leadership?
This school year has by far been one of the most difficult. Students are having to work more hours due to fee hikes, the costs of extra semesters, and having to pay for the 8th edition textbook that just last week was the already purchased 7th edition. Life is not easy for the average college student right now.
As a member of the CSUN Young Democrats I feel I am making a sincere effort in telling our leaders that today’s youth does not agree with the direction we are heading in. The CSUN Young Democrats participate in a multitude of activities in hopes that Californian leaders make a strong effort to listen to us. During our meetings we discuss heavily on which politicians are doing their best to fight for the things we believe in, and who we then endorse. Members of the club attend town hall meetings, participate in community service, and intern for leaders in our community who we think can make a difference. We gather to discuss our frustrations, our ambitions, and to see a friendly face who too is struggling in this time of educational crisis.
However, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. This year a lot of things are going to change for California, because Arnold’s time is up and new leadership is finally coming to California. The CSUN Young Democrats has been actively researching the possible leaders for California, and are excited by all the great Democrats stepping up to take this state into a new direction. We encourage our fellow Matadors to take a stance against this mistreatment of our educational system, and for what they believe in. Change is not going to happen overnight, but we can help as Gandhi once said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.”
Best Regards,
Jacqueline Orellana
CSUN Young Democrats