A.S. approved a resolution Tuesday to commemorate the Men and Women’s Swim Team and to urge local businesses and alumni to support them through donations and moral support.
“We did this to recognize what happened,” Senator Alex Samovitz said. “This is a major event.”
The swim teams were cut because of the budget cuts, Senator Yasmin Nadershahi said.
“It just got cut completely,” Nadershahi said. “People come here to be part of our swim team. It’s just like any other team. Imagine if the tennis team got cut.”
The people on the team here on scholarship will continue to receive it until their athletic eligibility runs out.
“The main point is that people are not here for the scholarships, they’re here for the swim team,” Nadershahi said.
Samovitz said the only way to reinstate the swim team is to raise between $300,000 and $500,000.
“There’s nothing we could have done and there’s nothing they could have done,” Samovitz added. “We’re just not going to be able to come up with the money.”
Samovitz said Senator Tonantzin Oble invited the swim team to come speak during open forum in support of the resolution, but no one attended the meeting.
Another resolution A.S. approved is against the use of lead-based paint products on campus.
The main point of the resolution is to reduce the risk of students coming into contact with the harmful substance, Samovitz said.
The resolution states that the Matador Bookstore is implored to stop selling any products that may have traces of lead in them It also declares that A.S. is taking a formal stand against unsafe business procedures on campus and is creating more awareness.
The meeting began with a moment of silence for the Armenian genocide. Students came to open forum to ask A.S. senators to attend the candlelight vigil Thursday April 22 to honor 1.5 million Armenians who were killed in the five-year massacre.
Representatives from Beta Omicron Psi and Campus Organized and United for Good Health (COUGH) asked the senators during open forum to approve the establishment of their organizations.
Beta Omicron Psi is a philanthropic organization serving the local community. The first event they are going to hold will be a walk for cystic fibrosis Saturday April 24.
COUGH promotes the health and safety of students, faculty and staff on campus by advocating for a smoke-free campus. Their goal is to reduce the health risks associated with tobacco smoke.
Sheela Bhongir, Director of Environmental Affairs, reminded the committee that Earth Day is Thursday April 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the lawn outside of Bayramian Hall. Free food will be available starting at 11 a.m. C.G. Ryche will be playing live from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Dan Monteleone, Director of Elections, said the elections went smoothly this year without any kind of computer problems.
Last week, he recommended a deadline for withdrawal for candidates as well as combining the debates into one day. He policy committee reported that they are already started to work on changing some of the election procedure recommended by Monteleone.
The budget was also discussed during Tuesday’s meeting. A.S. approved the annual budget for next year as well as budget language of 2010-2011.
Additional money will be going to the recycling program, student organizations and the A.S. transportation subsidy.