CSUN is the only CSU that does not have an electronic wait list for students wishing to add classes, but this will soon change.
A.S. passed a resolution drafted by Senator Cinzia Lettieri urging CSUN to implement an electronic wait list on CSUN’s Portal streamlining the process for students looking to add classes, Tuesday.
“We are the only cal state to not have an online wait list, it’s kind of embarrassing,” Lettieri said.
According to Lettieri, Santa Monica College sends a text message to students to alert them once they’ve been added to a class they are trying to crash.
“It’s crucial we have this,” said Senator Jefferey Zide.
He emphasized the importance of this practice at CSUN as the campus positions itself as a technologically savvy institution.
The resolution explained the process: students would add their name through the Portal and the decision would be entirely objective as it will be determined by a computer program, helping reduce strain between students and faculty.
The criteria as laid out by the resolution include, “Need of scheduled class in order to matriculate and progress with a student’s graduation date, student’s major, student priority (graduating senior or incoming freshman), number of units needed to maintain full time status for financial aid and healthcare.”
According to the resolution, students would be notified via text or email when their wait list status changes, including if they are added or if they are removed from the list due to other students being placed.
There is also a restriction for students—they are only permitted to add themselves to two wait lists for the same class section to allow other students the opportunity to be considered.