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The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

Priority of distribution is disturbing

Pam Tapper November 18, 2009

On Nov. 5, Trish Regan, the anchor for CNBC’s ‘The Call,’ reported that some Wall Street firms had received significant doses of H1N1 vaccines. Goldman Sachs reportedly received 200 doses, and Citigroup...

Hope for California’s future in 2010

Christine Chen November 16, 2009

Meg Whitman is the best candidate for governor in California. Whitman believes in better education, cutting spending by reducing the number of government workers, no more tax raises and promises to cut...

Legalizing marijuana can reduce crime, increase revenue for state

Madeline Wolff  November 9, 2009

Marijuana legalization is an issue that has been present in California politics for years. Just now, however, it is coming to a head, as the possibility of its full legalization looms before us in...

Obama’s control is a slippery slope

Pam Tapper November 3, 2009

In an unprecedented move, it was announced recently that the Obama administration would cut the salaries of 25 top executives of the seven largest banking firms in the country. For a presidential administration...

Snowe is the hope for the party of no

Pam Tapper October 20, 2009

Senator Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, was the only Republican to vote for the Senate Finance Committee’s bill on health care. Could she be the hope for bipartisanship, and for the party of no? With its...

Leaders and liberties

Anonymous October 19, 2009

Dear Bullfighters, American society is a mass of adult babies who want the future to spoon-feed them, coddle them, rock them to sleep, and pay their bills. It is time to wake up, children, take out...

Obama rightfully wins the Nobel Peace Prize. After the dust cloud of condemnation and confusion settles, one realizes this was the right decision

William Herbe October 13, 2009

On Friday morning the news was announced that President Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize. I felt no anger, excitement or pride. Well, at least not at first. I found myself in a complete state of confusion....

Israel has no partner for peace

Cayley Lazarus October 13, 2009

Israel has no partner for peace because the Palestinian leadership hasn’t prepared their people for peace.  Palestinian society has limited access to ideas and information outside of their society,...

The difference between Afghanistan and Vietnam

Pam Tapper October 8, 2009

Many have speculated that Afghanistan could become this generation’s Vietnam, but it appears the outcome of the  war in Afghanistan will be much different than the Vietnam War. There are many similarities...

Letters to the editor: Oct. 6, 2009

Administrator October 5, 2009

Where does one begin? How many of these anti-Israel rants does the Sundial intend to print year after year after year,  while your ‘Fact-Checker’ rots away like the crypt-master in Manzanita Hall. ...

Staff Editorial: Me comes before mobile

Ashley Gordon October 2, 2009

The advent of wireless Internet connection has been both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it’s allowed people the ability to work more efficiently and remain consistently accessible. On the other,...

President Obama needs to get his priorities straight

William Herbe October 2, 2009

President Obama is a making a mockery of America’s priorities with his visit to Copenhagen, Denmark today. His visit is for one reason and one reason only, to bring the Olympics to Chicago in 2016. The...

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