As journalists, we are constantly searching for stories that have never been told and strive to cover our community as best as possible. And often times, we take on topics that are known to cause controversy, in order to bring awareness to issues with truth and fairness to all.
As such, we look to you, the reader, to comment on such issues as the Sundial welcomes and encourages comments from all our readers. Fostering discussion from those expressing differing points of view is paramount in upholding the freedoms of speech and press to which we are entitled.
Yet it has come to our attention that many of the comments made on our Web site about the story, “CSUN MEChA members claim harassment by undercover LAPD officers” that was published on October 2, has received a mix of constructive and offending comments made to specific groups of people.
We, as your campus newspaper, feel we have a moral obligation to always provide a safe and open environment for people to express their opinions, but at times we reserve the right to delete any comments that can be deemed offensive without prior notice.
Let it be clear that the Sundial does not endorse any of the comments made by non-staff members.
Thus, our new commenter’s policy will make space for clean and clear dialogue where people can feel safe to discuss their opinions.
Our policy encourages “on topic” comments that respond to the content in the article, that are responses to comments left by other readers, that are open to being contradicted by other readers and or might disagree with the content in the article, as long as they do not insult the writer of the article or other commenters.
Comments that will be deleted are comments that: are fraudulent, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit or indecent.
Also those that threaten, invite or encourage violence, are derogatory toward others on the basis of political affiliation, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual preference or disability will also be deleted.
Commenters who misidentify or misrepresent themselves will also be subject to deletion.
The commenter policy is not meant to hinder or censor any form of speech; it is simply set up to remove any speech that will stop the flow of opinions.
This is a decision that has been made after several incidents including those of the story, “Examining the role blow jobs play in relationships” published on September 10, where defamatory comments were made towards the readers and Sundial staff, that left many insecure about their safety.
This is a move that we hope will continue to support our freedom of speech while still serving our moral obligation to have an equal space for all.
Jacky Guerrero,
Online Editor, Daily Sundial