The Associated Students (A.S.) Senate passed the resolution Tuesday to support the postcard program that will oppose fee increases in the California State University system.
The postcards will be taken up to the Sacramento on Dec. 14, at the end of the California State Student Association monthly meeting. The cards will be distributed at the Capitol during lobby day.
John Barry Neilan III, Science and Math Senator II, motioned to change the date the postcards would be taken up to the State capital to April 17, but the motion failed.
The motion was made, Neilan said, because not all of the postcards were filled and returned. The April 17 date is the first day of the California Higher Education Student Summit.
Another motion was made for an amendment to include the April 17 date in addition to the December 14 date that was included in the original amendment, but it failed again. The failed motion would have provided accountability for the continuation of the postcard program, Neilan said.
The postcards cost less than $500 for 10,000 copies and were charged to administrative printing costs under A.S. Office of the annual budget.
Austin Ysais, Upper Division Senator I, believed one of the reasons why the amendment didn’t pass was that the Senate could manage themselves to make a program in the future.
“We know the importance with this,” Ysais said.
Yasmin Nadershahi, Science and Math Senator I, said since the board’s commitment this year has been accountability, the amendment Neilan proposed would have provided the accountability to do the program again.
Two A.S. senate nominees were approved Tuesday, brining the senate vacancy total to it’s lowest since 11 seats were vacated during the beginning of the semester.
Vahan Khodanian was appointed to Lower Division Senate II and Manuel Alonzo was appointed to Humanities Senate II.