A suspected drunk driver was apprehended on the rooftop of the B3 parking structure Wednesday at about 6:45 p.m.
“We received a call from the manager at Gelson’s on Ventura and Hayvenhurst about a possible suspected drunk driver,” said Sgt. Walter Hanna of the West Valley division.
Hanna said they tried to make contact with the driver at the Gelson’s market parking lot but the suspect started his car, backed out and almost hit a vehicle as he drove off into the street.
“He was completely unresponsive,” Hanna said. “Based on his actions we believed him to be intoxicated or to be a person with mental illness.”
The pursuit continued in the street as the suspect in a grey Mazda minivan wove in and out of traffic and at one point drove on the opposite lanes, Hanna said.
Hanna added that police vehicles backed off from the suspect to see whether he would stop his erratic driving but it became worse as he drove into the campus.
“We cordoned off the entrances and exits of the parking lot,” Hanna said. “When the suspect made it to the roof top and we had him under control we eventually started letting people into the structure.”
When the suspect made it to the roof, he stopped the van, locked it and then crawled to the back of the vehicle, Hanna said. Police had to use a pellet gun to break into the vehicle, Hanna said.
“The suspect seems to be intoxicated and is unresponsive,” Hanna said. “He will be evaluated for drugs as well.”
Hanna said more than one ounce of marijuana was found in the vehicle.