The University Student Union’s Board of Directors discussed the new GoPrint system in the USU’s computer lab and reviewed the 2009-2010 financial audit.
Two members were also appointed to the board at the Sept. 20 meeting.
Sigourney Nuñez, 21, and Raquel Padilla, 20, joined the board yesterday with a 10-vote approval.
“I am really excited for the opportunities that are ahead,” said Nuñez, journalism major. “I can’t wait to apply my skills to my position and to the board.”
Padilla, a communications disorders major, said she shares the same anticipation and excitement.
“I really look forward to working with the board,” Padilla said. “I feel like I have a lot to offer and bring to the table. The campus is great and I can’t wait to bring some change.”
Over the past year, the USU’s financial team has been monitoring its expenditures.
Joe Illuminate, USU associate director of finance and business services, introduced the finance team that handled the USU’s annual audit during the meeting.
According to the finance team, the audit was found to be reasonable and secure in all policies for the past fiscal year of 2009-2010. They said everything during the audit ran smoothly.
Alexander Gonzales, USU technical support services manager, talked about the changes and improvements to the print system in the USU computer lab, which are progressing well.
Gonzales introduced the GoPrint program to the board in great detail with a PowerPoint and a presentation walk-through.
“We will eventually be saving so much paper from wasted printing,” Gonzales said. “Printing will also go faster and be more efficient for the students.”
GoPrint has been used in the computer lab for the past five weeks, Gonzales said.
Many board members showed concern about the system’s efficiency and paper usage.
“There are stacks of papers at the end of the night that students leave in the printers,” Gonzales said. “The GoPrint system monitors the page amounts and students must verify the pages selected before the print job, thus cutting the amount of wasted paper.”
Gonzales said that the adjustment to the GoPrint system in the USU’s computer lab has slowed down the speed of printing, but he also said that it would take time for students to adjust to the changes.