She was only 17 when she got her first tattoo, but Rachel Siner, CSUN Graphic Design student, has added four more since then.
Now, at 25, she’s had one redone.
“I have changed one so far, and I’m thinking about changing the affirmations I have on my left arm to a solid black band,” Siner said.
After doing her first tattoo herself at 17 with a needle and ink on her inner ankle, she officially got it done when she turned 18 in Venice Beach. Her first tattoo is a cross the quiz of a quarter.
“It was an impulsive thing,” Siner said. “It was already there and I just wanted it to look better, more professional.”
Now working on her fourth piece, Siner said the latest tattoo resembles equality and strength.
“It was inspired by certain things and cultures where a solid band represents strength.”
Siner said the inspiration behind the tattoo doesn’t come to her until a few months later.
“An idea of something I like will come, then I’ll put it in my journal of tattoo ideas I want, and let it sit there; they change over time.”