The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

The student media organization of California State University Northridge

Daily Sundial

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Getting back into the spring of things

Basic school necessities, such a planner, sticky notes and a campus map can help students gear up for the spring semester. Photo Credit: Cladellain Kae David/The Sundial


After a long winter break, it’s back to school and back to the books.

Bouncing back from a month off can be increasingly difficult, but with enough preparation and the right mindset you can ensure success this semester.

The University Student Union (USU) will have plenty of events during the first week to help students relax and get back into things, as well as meet other students and have some fun.

On Tuesday, Jan. 20, the USU Games Room will have free gaming all day. Pop by between or after class, and meet fellow Matadors with similar interests as yours.

Thursday, Jan. 22, is the Spring Kick-Off from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Plaza Del Sol where there will be games, food and entertainment as a way to help students connect and enjoy themselves.

There are a few simple things students can do on their own to prepare for the upcoming semester.

Remember to go into the semester with a positive mindset and confidence that will carry you through. Schedule some time for fun this semester. Remember to relax between classes, even on campus outside the library, or by the VPAC. There is so much to take advantage of to help you do well this semester.

Consider setting your clock a little earlier to wake up to, and going to bed sooner so you can wake up on time. Start preparing meals and scheduling activities that you will need time for during the semester. If you work, make sure your work and school schedules are compatible.

Using a planner to help with these things would be great. Create a habit of writing things down to put your mind at east. Plus this can leave room to think about more pressing issues when they come up.

If your schedule of classes is already finalized, think about locating them and printing out a map so the first day back isn’t so stressful when trying to find everything at once. Campus is very crowded the first few days so it would be good to know where you are headed.

If you haven’t already, get your textbooks. Most professors post class requirements online, which can be accessed through your student portal. Consider ordering through outside suppliers like Chegg to beat the lines in the bookstore and save some money.

If you ordered or planned to order your books through the CSUN bookstore, there will be plenty of back-to-school specials to take advantage of. More information can be found online. There is even a chance to win your textbooks this semester on the website

If you do have your textbooks, start leafing through them, organizing supplies and reviewing syllabi.

There are steps you can take both on and off campus to prepare.

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