Annoying Electronic Communications
Someone got busted Wednesday for sending annoying electronic communications via smartphone.
It’s a wonder if the Crime Blotter could be considered “Annoying Electronic Communication.”
On March 3,three individuals were involved in a fight near Lindley Avenue and Lassen Street, and one of them stabbed another with an unknown object. The case was turned over to the Los Angeles Police Department.
A couple were screaming at each other near the Satellite Student Union, when the woman threw a plate of food at her male counterpart. The police tried to track them down but they had successfully fled the scene.
It’s also a wonder if the experience helped them with whatever issues they were having.
Car Crimes
Everyone secretly wants the people with those handicap signs that get the sweetest parking spots known to man, to get busted for using a fake one.
Well last Tuesday, everyone in the world without one of those little blue cards got their wish. Someone got busted for using an unauthorized one in the B3 parking structure.
There was also two other cases reported.
A bunch of stuff was stolen from students who did and didn’t take the necessary precautions to secure their items – just like last week, and the one before.
Someone borrowed headphones from a “homie” and refused to give them back Friday- really? You could have just said you lost them.
There is nothing more ratchet than going to Grad Fest and stealing class rings from a vendor, but the person who did that Thursday didn’t seem to give to care.
Another person stole the parking permit from someone’s car last Wednesday, because once again the person is not able to secure the top part of their car. You need to figure that out dude?
Friday night someone (mustached or not to be determined) was lurking around campus and got arrested near the UPA building 17.
Unreasonable Noise
When spring comes around it’s a given that a bunch of college students around the country are going to engage in a butt load of debauchery. But for CSUN, students do not procrastinate the turn up. Ever.
There was a pool party Friday night in the that University Park Apartments’ building 12, that cut short as soon as the po-po arrived. This isn’t Miami and it sure of hell isn’t MTV’s “Spring Breakers,” people, so calm down. But regardless, I’m sure that was some Riff Raff-looking dude running around, creeping out teenage girls.
Next week’s blotter will include St. Patrick’s Day. Lets hope it’s interesting.
For an untainted view of all the down and dirty on campus, visit the CSUN PD website at