From motherhood, religion and veganism to refraining from telling your mean coworker you hate her, Tabitha Brown seems to have the answers to it all– and she is bold enough to share them with the world. “I am freedom and you recognize me when you are free,” said Tabitha Brown when asked who she is and how she can be recognized.
The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences hosted a conversation on Thursday, Nov. 7 with Brown, the multi-hyphenate internet personality with a book, Target home goods line and a knack for lifting spirits.
The event is the third in the CSBS Salon Series, inspired by the salons of the Harlem Renaissance, where people gathered to discuss current topics and community empowerment. According to the dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Yan Searcy, part of the goal of the department’s events is to bring together the CSUN community while fundraising for the Community Endowed Professorship in Africana Studies.
Brown’s ability to overcome health and career challenges, achieve success and her unapologetic confidence– all of which she shares online with millions of followers–made her an obvious choice for the series according to Searcy.

“I viewed her as somebody who was emblematic of the American experience, but also someone who could be a role model for CSUN students,” said Searcy.
Students, CSUN alumni and community members gathered in The Soraya and enjoyed a cocktail hour with drinks and catered food before the conversation began. One CSUN alum, frequents the Salon Series events not only for the impressive guest speakers but also to support their alma mater.
“Number one, I think any kind of fundraising that helps programs that are needed and that are sometimes not equally funded or funded well needs our participation,” said Otissa Johnson, a CSUN alum who has attended a Salon Series speaker event one time before. “I went here. I’m a professional now. I’m happy to lend, you know, some support and come whenever I can to try and help.”
At the end of the moderated conversation, audience members were given the opportunity to share their natural hair struggles, workplace dilemmas and post-graduation worries. They received hopeful and helpful advice from Brown.
“You are doing a great job already, I’m so proud of you . . . One day at a time, right? It doesn’t all have to be done at once,” said Brown to another contemplating graduate school after getting her bachelor’s degree in psychology.
Fans of Brown anticipated her positive outlook. Alisha Westfield, an Executive Director of Communications at UCLA Health and CSUN alum, who has followed Brown’s journey through social media, knew that the words shared with the audience would be impactful.
“She’s always got something inspiring to say and I think I came here thinking it was going to be more of a celebratory mood, then based on the events of the last couple of days that’s not the case,” said Westfield.
The salon event happened to take place just days after the election.
“So I think it’s still poignant either way knowing what I know and following her . . . perspective, I think it was meant to be either way,” said Westfield.
As the conversation came to an end, Brown left the stage on a note of joy. When asked by Searcy how one remains joyful despite facing challenges, she replied: “This is a choice I’ve made to be happy, to be joyful. ?I think we all have that choice that we can make. It’s intention. We set our intentions for everything else, why can’t we set it for joy?”
The evening concluded with a meet and greet with Brown for audience members who purchased premium tickets and Soul For Real’s “Candy Rain” playing over the speakers as guests chatted.
For more information on upcoming events from CSBS, visit the college’s CSUN page.