Associated Students Recycling prepared for the upcoming America Recycles Day, and hosted an Alice in Wonderland themed event at the Matador Bookstore Lawn on Nov. 12.
There were numerous stands surrounding the lawn with entertaining and informative games to raise awareness about recycling.
“All the items here today are reused and repurposed,” said Basille Jimenez, outreach assistant of A.S. recycling.
The items used for the games came from campus, including old card boards and posters from previous events and shows. The items were recreated into Alice in Wonderland props.
“The main purpose is to inspire students to do more creative stuff with old material,” Jimenez said.
The games were informative and sparked childhood nostalgia for attendees. Each game was inspired by either characters or parts of the movie.
“We were brainstorming during a meeting and we came up with the theme. We picked out those things that stood out the most to us from the movie and decided to make a game out of them,” Jimenez said.
One game consisted of guessing which item goes into what recycling bin. Jimenez said batteries can be disposed at various disposal centers on campus and also at department stores such as Home Depot and Best Buy.
For those who have textbooks laying around at home and can’t get them resold, bring the books to campus and recycle them into bins that The Institute of Sustainability will make availableover campus.
Member of the American Textile Recycling Service attended the campus event.
Jaye Evan, ATRS representative, said the organization primarily works with college students who are moving out and need to get rid of clothing items. ATRS has worked with UCLA and USC college move outs, and seek to reach more schools and students.
CSUN isn’t just becoming more sustainable in its on-campus life, student can also minor in sustainability. Information about the minor is available by the Liberal Studies Program in the College of Humanities.