People of all ages flooded the entrances to The Soraya’s “Jazz at Naz Festival” for Composer and Pianist Jason Moran’s collaboration with CSUN’s Jazz A Band, celebrating Duke Ellington, composer and pianist at 8 p.m. on Feb 13.
As the overhead lights began to dim and the spotlight glistened at the stage, Soraya’s Executive and Artistic Director, Thor Steingraber, opened by recognizing those in the audience, such as Tina Raymond, the director of jazz studies at CSUN, who stood and waved to the audience.
Guest Artist and Pianist, Moran, followed with his opening monologue, paying homage to Ellington. He further explained that Ellington chose to explore the entire range of the piano in his compositions, which Moran utilized in this performance to recognize the renowned musician.
After Moran opened with three pieces, he transitioned into “Bragging Brass,” with the musicians from Jazz band “A” playing the brass instruments. Moran grooved along to the music as another student entered and took over his place at the piano.
They were then joined by vocalist Darynn Dean, who performed the song “I Like the Sunrise.” Her soft yet powerful vocals fascinated the audience, and she replicated the sound of the surrounding instruments, captivating both the audience and the band members.
Cesar Rosales, co-chair of Diversity & Inclusion at the University Student Union (USU), attended the recital and expressed his thoughts on the performance.
“It was incredible!” Rosales said. “You know, Ellington’s work is the stuff of myth or fiction, right? It’s the stuff you see in movies and in productions. It’s never something you expect to be heard so clearly and so powerfully in person, especially here in Northridge.”
As they stepped out of their section and onto the front of the stage, each band member had the opportunity to execute a solo, showcasing their musicality. Moran explained that the numerous solos were planned to recognize the amazing talent these members have as a band and as individual musicians.
Tina Raymond, director of jazz studies at CSUN, applauded the Jazz “A” band at the close of the performance.
“They rolled with the punches and the changes at the last minute,” Raymond said. “I’m very, very proud of them.”
For more information on upcoming events, visit The Soraya website at or on Instagram at @TheSorayaStage and check out CSUN Jazz on Instagram @csunjazz or online here.