The Art Education Club supports preservice students and teachers preparing to become art educators.
According to the club’s MataSync page, “The organization provides professional development and reinforcement for students while enrolled as undergraduates in the credential program, and once they have become teachers.”
“Doing art is important for the whole campus to have as an opportunity, not just people in the art department because creative expression and creative outlets are so needed. And I think especially now, there’s always something incredibly stressful to be stressed out about and having that creative outlet where you’re not just consuming media, where you’re actually producing something yourself, is very beneficial,” said Melissa Termini, president of the club.

This semester, the Art Education Club introduced its mascot, Arty Apple, designed by Melissa and her sister, Sarah Termini. Arty Apple is a smiling apple wearing a beret, representing art educators. Melissa was inspired to create this mascot while designing a flyer for the club.
“We were inspired by a graphic we saw online of a smiling apple, and I thought ‘what if we made an artist apple?’ So, we decided to add an artist beret to represent the artist side of a person and then the apple to represent the educator side of the person,” said Melissa Termini.
The Art Education Club hosts events for students and the CSUN community to explore new art and craft techniques, fostering creative expression for all.
“We believe that art is something that can enrich everyone’s lives in different capacities. And so we want our events to be available to everyone for that reason,” said Melissa Termini.
The club has previously hosted Paint and Sip, a crochet workshop and paper marbling. Some of these events have also been fundraisers for the club, helping them raise money for hosting them and any necessary materials.
Ultimately, the club aims to reach a wider audience and bring people together through art.
“We’ve tried to expand out further to really reach into one of the core values of our education, which is making art available to everyone and making it something that brings everyone together,” said Melissa Termini.
For future events hosted by the Art Education Club, follow their Instagram @artedclub.csun.