CSUN students are participating in a Day of Action by protesting the the recent tuition hikes and budget cuts to the CSU and UC systems. The march started at 10 a.m. in front of the Oviatt Library.
Police can be seen throughout the campus and nearby streets. One large group of officers was seen at the Vons grocery store on Nordhoff Street and Reseda Boulevard while bicycle units are dispersed around campus.
Christina Villalobos, public information officer and special assistant to the chief of police, said that all police enforcement on campus is CSUN law enforcement and Los Angeles Police Department are outside of campus.
Many CSUN students have taken the police attention and protest to twitter as the demonstration began:
ayoooSTEPH: (Shake my head), the police are NOT playing . #CSUN RT @JeSuisMsP: Literally 30 police cars just passed me in a row!
MzKibbens: Big protest at #csun http://yfrog.com/h0bh6zsj
breeannasaur: There’s a walk out at #CSUN today. Extra’d out students!
As the demonstrators take the streets, more and more groups of protesters are gathering. Several groups have been forming in front of the library. One of the groups headed inside Bayramian Hall in an attempt to gather more students.
Fifth year senior Brian de Guzman, Asian American studies major, said student clubs are helping to lead specific marches into buildings.
“MECha led the first march of the day into Bayramian Hall,” de Guzman said.