Monday, Oct. 10
– A bike was stolen from a rack on the north side of the VPAC by an unknown suspect.
– A victim reported being sexually assaulted in the University Park Apartments by someone they knew while the alleged suspect was studying and spending the night at the victim’s apartment.
– An unknown suspect stole a bike from UPA 8 by removing the frame from the front tire, which was attached to the bike rack with a U-lock.
– A cell phone was stolen from the F10 parking lot.
Tuesday, Oct. 11
– A men’s bathroom on the first floor of Sierra Hall was vandalized when an unknown suspect wrote on the wall of a stall in blue and black ink.
– A suspect fled when a CSUN police officer attempted to stop them for reckless driving near the intersection of Plummer Street and Lindley Avenue.
– A resident of UPA 9 reported an alleged suspect for stealing their personal items and food from their apartment.
Wednesday, Oct. 12
– A suspect was arrested for sleeping in a study room after having been issued a no trespassing order from CSUN.
– A victim reported being grabbed by the wrist by an unknown suspect who was trying to discuss his political views on the upcoming election.
– It was reported that a known suspect sexually assaulted a victim in the University Park Apartments after the two attended a party together on Sept. 29.
Thursday, Oct. 13
– An alleged suspect was arrested in the G3 parking structure for misusing a disabled parking placard. The alleged suspect was cited and released after admitting the placard belonged to their father.
– A victim reported being slapped in the back of the head by a known suspect in Johnson Auditorium.
– Reports were made of a woman near University Hall yelling at people to let them know that if someone hurt her children then something would happen to him. The women did not appear to have any children with her.
– A laptop was stolen from a student at the Klotz Student Health Center who was talking on her phone and didn’t know someone was around.
Friday, Oct. 14
– A suspect was arrested by a CSUN police officer near the intersection of Reseda Boulevard and Vincennes Street for having no proof of insurance and driving with a suspended license. The suspect was released at the scene with a notice to appear.
Saturday, Oct. 15
– One resident of UPA 3 was referred for disciplinary action for both drug and alcohol law violations.