COVID-19 by the numbers in L.A. County: How is COVID-19 affecting Angelenos?
July 8, 2020
As some countries begin to see a decrease in the number of COVID-19 cases, the United States continues to see an uptick of positive COVID-19 cases.
With the U.S. having more confirmed cases of COVID-19 than any other country, data shows that the U.S. is expected to see a rise in case numbers in the near future. On the west coast, Los Angeles has been a hotspot for the virus.
We have compiled data from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and the Johns Hopkins University and Medicine’s Coronavirus Resource Center to show a breakdown of Angelenos affected by COVID-19. Data is up to date as of July 5, 2020.
Total cases:

Since the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in L.A. County on Jan. 26, the number of positive cases continued to rise exponentially. Roughly 1% of L.A. County’s population of 10 million has tested positive for COVID-19.

Those between the ages of 18-40 make up the majority of the cases, totaling roughly 43% of confirmed cases in L.A. County.

Death Rate:
In L.A. County the death rate of COVID-19 is roughly 3%. This compares to the global death rate of roughly 4.5%, according to the Johns Hopkins University’s data. As more people get tested, this number is expected to fluctuate.
The virus continues to kill those over the age of 65 more than any other age group. In L.A. County, nearly 75% of the deaths were from those over the age of 65.

Race and Ethnicity Confirmed Cases:
Data on race and ethnicity is available for roughly 61% of cases in L.A. County. The Latinx community makes up a disproportionate number of confirmed cases, amounting to nearly 29% of confirmed cases. In comparison, the white community amounts to just above 8% of confirmed cases.

Race and Ethnicity Testing:
The demographics of those who have been tested remains equal between the Latinx and White communities — at roughly 7%.
60% of those being tested are of unknown ethnicity or race, so it is difficult to say if all ethnicities and races are being tested adequately.

Males and females in L.A. County have similar infection rates at nearly 50-50.