Monday, Oct. 17
· Two residents of UPA 16 were referred for alcohol and drug-law violations that occurred on October 15.
· An unknown suspect collided with a vehicle in the B5 parking lot and failed to report the incident.
Tuesday, Oct. 18
· A black marker was used to vandalize an elevator inside Sierra Hall.
· A victim reported being struck by a known suspect on Sept. 27.
· Three residents of UPA 2 were referred for disciplinary action for a drug-law violation.
Wednesday, Oct. 19
· An unknown suspect vandalized two walls in a Sierra Hall men’s restroom with a black marker.
· The driver’s side door of a vehicle was dented in the G3 parking structure by an unknown suspect.
Thursday, Oct. 20
· A secured scooter was stolen from a rack on the north side of the Bookstore Complex.
· A window to a study room was broken in UPA 3 by an unknown suspect.
· It was reported that an unattended leaf blower was stolen from Redwood Hall on Oct. 13. The leaf blower was later located near the building.
· A bicycle was stolen from a bike rack near the Bookstore Complex. The bicycle was not secured.
Sunday, Oct. 23
· One resident of UPA 10 was referred for a drug-law violation.