Catch live updates of L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti’s State of the City address here
Mayor Garcetti will be delivering the State of The City Address 5 p.m. at the Valley Performing Arts Center on April 14.
Garcetti will be addressing city workers, reaffirming his support and discussing his ongoing projects and agenda.
According to the Los Angeles Daily News, the mayor’s speech may be accompanied by city workers protesting before, during or after the event. Recently city officials have been not been able to make substantial changes to the salaries and health care costs for workers’ contracts.
The G3 parking structure will be closed to CSUN students and faculty, allowing all other off-campus attendees to access the structure, as said an email sent to the campus community from Parking and Transportation Services Manager Larry Isrow. Alternative student and faculty parking will be available in the F10 surface lot.